Magic rule bus

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Mrs Frizzle: "Get in the robot Arnold"

This scene plays in my head every morning I make it out of bed.

omedetou! 👏


What is this and where does it come from? It really has those vibes ~

"A Cool Teacher's Thesis"

I'm sure that trip made a big impact on those kids.

What is that bottom pattern called? I’ve seen it in many places but never knew the actual name.

Thank you! I kept trying to call it Yggdrasil, which I knew was clearly wrong, but it explains why I kept thinking “tree”

Although from our perspective, its the Qlippoth.

Same here. Weirdly I came across this last night in a game I was playing

I just finished watching the show like an hour ago I'm happy I can get the reference

After watching Evangelion would you then say that "Anime was a mistake"? 😁

Still better than that Quantum Field trip last year. Now THAT was a wild ride, it takes a while to get your bearings back after getting entangled and someone collapses the wave function.
Then someone blinked and suddenly we got teleported to a lower energy state, it feels like it took three trail bars and a jumbo Monster drink just to get a little bit of pep back.

Better than getting nutted on by a salmon

You take that back, that lesson was beautiful

Wait what am I looking at

The fucking third impact you imbecile.

The true and original form of humanity. Cleansed and purified. United as one.

I mean, what is the background in the second image from?


Specifically the image shown is the tree of sefirot. in Jewish Kabbalah, it is known as the tree of life.


Pen Pen and Ms. Frizzle would get along well.


A badger, badger, badger...


Today we experience: quantum mechanics!

Prepare to not exist!

Not gonna lie I thought it was a really fucked up looking airport