Porn GF > Normal GF

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Porn boyfriend - always hard when you need him. Goes down like a champ, hung bigger than 90% of guys.

Real boyfriend - expects you to cook, clean, and work as many hours at a job as he does. Mansplains when all you want is a hug.

Am I doing this right?

now that's fair ✅

I mean, these are the traits that turn porn into a bad addiction and form those "sigma"/misogyny mindsets. The idea is to not have a "vs" but to identify the two as separate, and find someone that is fulfilling in your life as opposed to fulfilling a fictional fantasy. Porn actresses do this for money. They don't do it for you, or to be a role model.

also porn gf is always clean shaved



You guys need to find better girlfriends

nah, i'm good hehe :3