question: What's a good alternative for Chrome's standalone PWA-s?

I've recently switched to Firefox and I feel like it's overall a better experience – I just really miss the convenience of installing Progressive Web Applications as a standalone apps, or creating shortcuts from existing websites.

The benefit of this is that you can open them as a separate window, keeping the viewport size and hiding the URL bar.

Is there any viable alternative to this in Firefox?

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On Android Firefox has been able to install PWAs for a while, but not exactly as Chrome does (probably a restriction set by Google), they won't show up on the app list but only in your desktop.

I use Smart Launcher and after installing PWA there's an option to add it to app list. What is your launcher?

I've seen some independent projects on github like this one but haven't tried them yet.

I use that one and it works fine for me.

This looks promising, thanks!

@korun aside from #nwjs / - containers?

Good question and the answer depends on your OS, the targeted #WebApp and performance requirements...

@fuchsiii may know more...