"Tracer Bullet" (MacDraw II)

My attempt to use MacDraw II to draw (copycat) the popular image of Calvin's "Tracer Bullet" alter-ego from Calvin & Hobbes. I wanted some practice with the neat shadow technique.

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I like your choice of medium

Thanks, it's really fun to draw with and I get my nostalgia fix during the process.

Very nice! I love the Tracer Bullet story lines. Can I ask what your motivation is use to use MacDraw II?

Thank you! I loved using MacDraw (and MacPaint) as a kid when our family got a Macintosh Plus and the soft spot in my heart for polygons with black and white patterned shading has just never gone away. I was playing around in the Mini vMac emulator a few years ago while on a nostalgia trip, was like "Oh yeah, I loved MacDraw!" and I just ended up really grooving with the process so now it's one of my go-to mediums when I get the urge to draw.

Oh, that's pretty neat. I guess we're often drawn to what we learned with.

I grew up with a Tandy computer which had Deskmate on it. I never realized it at the time, but the drawing application was also vector based.

I also loved composing my own music with DeskMate Music. Maybe I'll try to find an emulator and give it a go again.

You should do it, and ping me when you have something to share!

Scrolling past, I recognized Calvin instantly even though I'm not particularly well versed in the comics. You managed to capture the character really well somehow.

Thanks! I just copycatted a reference image, but I'm glad I managed to capture it well.