If you squint hard enough, the capital letter pi (Π) looks like half a circle.

Maybe this is why pi was chosen for half of the circumference of a circle.

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If you don't squint, it looks like a table. Maybe whoever chose it hadn't had lunch yet.

[insert pie joke here]

I gotta squint pretty hard lol

What is this Cunningham's law?

Pi is not half the circumference. It's how many times the diameter fits into the circumference.

It is half of the circumference, multiplied by the radius, of course.

like in this image I found online

That's not half the circumference then is it???

Now you're just being silly.

I can level up with more sources (stanford, wiki).

The circumference is 2pi x radius, which obviously means half the circumference is pi x radius.

Edit: formatting. Asterisk results in italics