USA’s hypocracy with Venezuela

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  • 2002 - W Bush
  • 2018 - Trump
  • 2019 - Trump

In contrast:

  • 2024 - Biden

But sure, keep telling us how Democratic administrations not acting like right-wing criminal shitstain Republicans is "hypocritical", but deliberately disregarding the vast difference in foreign policy between the two parties so you can screech "America bad!" even when it does the right thing somehow isn't.

Well, not in Latin America. US political parties have some weird multi-faced value system that cares about stuff like the coordinates a victim was born.

But the OP is also bullshit for trying to criticize the country for trying to do something right for once. Even more because staging coups against a dictatorship does not have a clear moral value.

This one below is also missing Obama-era orchestrated election meddling in Honduras, and Haiti.

but deliberately disregarding the vast difference in foreign policy

You forgot Obama with Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, and the extra-judicial assassination of American Citizens.

obama circa 2013 would like to better inform your opinion on the topic of defacto american foreign policy

i'll provide more examples from obama, clinton, and biden once i see a worthwhile response.

This is the right answer. And this time around Venezuelans are mad at Merudo and not America because it’s Merudo that interfered with their democratic process, not America. Hard line republican policies always fail

Biden literally orchestrated a coup a couple of days ago 🤦🏾‍♂️

Huh? Where was this?

He's referring to Harris being the Democratic nominee. Hopefully it's a joke.

Oh okay.

I was referring to Biden financing far right militias that attempted a coup in Venezuela as soon as Maduro won the election

Funny. Haven't heard that one.

Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing. -Brandon Sanderson

Just because someone did something horrible in the past it does not mean we cannot advocate for something good now.

People can change, bit by bit, moment by moment. Sometimes it might even be for the better.

The US isn’t going to change. This is how they are. They meddle with the world and have been doing so throughout their history.

The US isn't a person though. It is a system that relies on imperialist domination in order to survive. Do you have evidence that the system has fundamentally changed away from that? Because that would be some pretty miraculous evidence.

Nobody is "changing". The US can make it their business to oppose left-leaning governments in South America and Maduro can be a petty dictator that clumsily faked electoral results.

Two things can be true at the same time. Not everything is a zero sum game.

USA hypocrisy is theatrics to get to make rules and order everyone around with a sanctimonious attitude.

Yep, the US did those things. Doesn't change the fact Maduro is a dictator who stole the election. The US is right on this one.

Try talking to actual Venezuelans about this and see what they think. My best friend is, her and her immediate family literally left the country due to his government. She's absolutely devastated, angry, and beyond scared for her family and friends still there.

What's with all the anti Maduro sentiments getting censored?

Just mods complying with instance rules.

I don't see how saying "What's with all the anti Maduro sentiments getting censored" would violate instance rules.

I just reviewed the rule that was cited, Rule 1, including the Code of Conduct. If any instance rules were violated, it's beyond me.

This is how I feel watching young American be mad at Israel for doing things that the Americans did to my people and never even apologized for

Idk if hypocrisy is intentionally misspelled but if it is that's pretty clever

That's crazy --- hypercrazy, if you will.

Yeah, ok, but by all indications the election was, in fact rigged.

Like, not in ways that a CIA analyst needs to break down for you, but in ways that make maths teachers with a summary of the official results raise an eyebrow.

Like, not "by all indications" as in "according to the US", but according to third party left-wing governments as well. I mean, even Lula hasn't recognized the results yet, ffs.

And I know you know, because none of the memes I've seen thrown around are arguing that the results are fair and correct. They're all arguing about US interventionism or US hypocrisy. Which is infuriating, because if somebody is going to find a way to make it all about themselves is Americans.

The global left would do a lot better not getting dragged down by Chavismo's clumsy, dumb bullshit if they were less reticent at acknolwedging that a regime can be targeted by the US AND a dumb-ass dictatorship doing a terrible job of running the country at the same time. I'll vote for the leftmost candidate I get every time, but I'm not gona be the right's rhetorical punching bag for Nicolás Maduro, of all people.

Chavez is a sad despot. Always has been.

Terrorist nations gonna terrorist. The list of US-couped governments is pretty long.

And you’re all welcome, by the way.

Please name three.

The world would be much better off without the USA.

I'm sure the superpower that fills the void will be the paragon of morality

At least it won't be that fascist-filled shithole. There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, and it goes by the name of 'Murica.

As an empire, yes. That doesn't mean we want American people to suffer (I say this as a European who also thinks European imperialist countries should suffer the same fate)

I agree with you, but it's also true that imperialism is way deeper rooted in the American forma mentis than it is in most European.
