MotD Update: Potential 3.24 Wave 1 Release Tonight


🕹️ (Thor's Day) We are currently building a new PTU candidate for a 3.24 Evocati release later today. This build is a Wave 1 candidate and we are looking to potentially open up to Wave 1 late tonight If it goes well for a couple hours with Evocati.

Some of my own thoughts:
Yesterday's test went a lot more smoothly compared to the previous builds. I still have some major concerns about 3.24, but hopefully the biggest things get addressed before it goes Live. (Let's just say it's way too easy to steal things from other players in armistace right now).

They fixed most of the ship spawning issues in the hangar, as well as some nasty teleporting bugs. They've focused on trying to make it so that, if the hangar doors are closed in the view of either the server or the client, at least one layer of the doors will appear closed to the player (hopefully no more destruction for flying into invisible hangar doors).

There are some amazing fixes for ultra-widescreen users (no more massively overscaled ui icons on your HUD, and inventory scales correctly now).