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Sure gives me the creeps. I thought it was a raytracing flex at first too.

I've had a few people say it looks like a render before and I totally agree. It is touched up in lightroom a bit but not much, just straightened a little as it was slightly off center before and it drove me insane to look at lol I had to smooth a little bit of image noise out too since it was such a high ISO photo as they had all the lights down low late at night. Other than that it's pretty untouched, I don't like to edit photos too much when going for a liminal shot.

This is the pyramid hotel in Vegas right?

It's actually the University Plaza Hotel in Springfield, MO. Most surreal looking hotel I've ever stayed at lol

I imagine there's many hotels that look like this. I came to ask if it was one in SOHO, NYC. Looks JUST like it.

Huh that's cool! Most ones I've stayed at in the past have unfortunately been kinda... sterile? Looking, it was really cool staying at this one, I got a few film photos as well but this was easily the best I got on that trip.

I’m also realizing you posted a metric crap ton of killer landscape photos today. I think I’ve liked 7 of them at this point. Please keep posting. Username is also 🤘🏼

Hey thanks! I was wondering if I'd actually posted a bit too much today lol I've got plenty more so don't worry they'll keep coming! Your username's pretty sick too ngl 🤙

Thanks for clarifying, I like the pics!

No problem! Thanks I appreciate it!

That carpet is amazing! 😍

THIS is liminal space ! Beautiful picture !

Forget liminal spaces. I'm afraid of manmade heights. My body would be at a 45° angle to the right. Thumping every door and window along the way. I HATE those kinds of hotels, and I bet they have a glass elevator too.

They did indeed have a windowed elevator so I had to stay on the side close to the balconies, I'm actually really afraid of heights myself, if I look down from too high at close enough of an angle I get really bad vertigo, I have since I was a little kid when my grandpa took me to the roof of an animal feed plant he managed and I looked over the edge with him (I am very very midwestern), honestly, focusing on the viewfinder or screen of a camera really helps with it, sorta turns the depths in a "2D" field that I can deal with much easier, part of why I love photography as an art form.