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All the single ladies
All the single ladies
Why are there so many single ladies?
Ain’t nobody having kids anymore
This is how you end up with the Handmaid’s Tale

I don't think single ladies are the reason for Gilead

Liberté, égalité, electrolyte

"Liberte" and "egalite" are latin words. "Electrolyte" is greek.

Mixing greek and latin is an abomination and we should put a stop to it. Say no to those mixed greek+latin words, it is an affront to God.

Aquaphobia, automobile, hexadecimal.

This is all the words I could be bothered copying from the wiki article haha.

There are many affronts to God for your enjoyment here:

What kind of building is this and what are these gates / doors used for?

At first I thought this was a fire station but the realized two of these are like pedestrian doors.

The French really like their protests/riots.

I’d imagine riot doors are a must for many downtown areas.

I don't know about this specific building, so this is just speculation, but it looks like an old public building, something like a school, city hall, could even be a market or public bathroom. My guess is those door are new, and a way to close an otherwise open entry to a courtyard.

They have Beyoncé in France?

I love the implicit idea that celebrities are region-locked like video games lol

Liberté, égalité aligoté, fraternité