My systems follow mental flowcharts

Image: Screenshot of microblog posted by Victoria | Save the Neurotypicals (@SNeurotypicals) dated 2022-10-10.

Quote: Neurodivergent screening tests will be like "do you struggle with wearing socks" and ND people will be like "nope does not describe me, for you see I have a System" and folks that is what the question is getting at

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It took me so long to recognize. I hate the 'Do you lose your keys often' question.

I always used to answer 'No' because I know they're either next to the door where theyre supposed to be, in my current pocket or in yesterday's pants' pocket.

Or on my desk.

Or in my backpack.

Ok, maybe you have a point.


or oh shit have you seen my _____??

And is the question really about ability to recall where they are or tendency to leave them in unusual places?

Like is it "normal" to be able to remember where any random object left in a random location is when it's needed? Or is it normal to leave objects in more sensible locations so they are easier to find when one can't recall directly where they were left?

This is a great question - I have like zero random recall, so everything just goes in it's place every time. But do "normal" people just have more RAM than me?

What's with the socks? I can't NOT wear socks. Except in the shower or while swimming, otherwise I am fully socked up.

Ok. Got it. Nevermind.

I’m the exact opposite, fuck socks I only wear them to formal occasions like weddings and funerals, soft foot prisons

I used to be pretty sock neutral until a year ago. You know how when you put a pair of socks on for the first time and they’re soft as heck and amazing, but eventually get rougher as time goes on? I decided to splurge and buy a 3-pair pack that cost as much as the 6-pair packs I’d usually get. Not only were they ridiculously comfy the first time I wore them, they were still great the second, third, and fourth time. I went back and bought more of them. A year later I still get excited when I grab a couple and put them on because my feet feel so great in those socks.

Glad you’ve found a fix! Even super nice socks feel gross to me, although I will concede the first time putting them on is nice in that moment. Everything after that is the same though, at least to me, feel the same way about undershirts and sleeves. Winter can be rough for me

Are you my gf perchance?

At some point, i started putting on my shoes like this. Sock - shoe, sock - shoe. Is that weird?

This suggests that you wear shoes indoors as you would normally put your socks on by your bed. To many, including myself, wearing shoes in a house is weird. And kinda gross.

Where does your assumption come from that they put their socks on by their bed? Sounds more likely to me that they don't wear socks at home and put them on where their shoes are

My sock drawer is next to my bed so I too made that assumption until you mentioned it. But you can't keep them near the door as that's still messy so the shoes indoors thing still applies right?

You grab the socks from the drawer (wherever it's located) and bring them with you to the door and put them on before the shoes. As someone that stays barefoot inside the house that's what I usually do, though sometimes I'll put the socks on near the drawer instead. Also I put both socks on then both shoes because I'm not a crazy person. I do sometimes think about moving the socks to a drawer next to the shoes because if I'm already downstairs I have to go up one flight of stairs to get them and honestly that's sometimes kept me from going out.

I bring my socks to my shoes by the door don't wear socks unless I gotta wear shoes

Omg no. Sock - sock. Shoe - shoe. There is no other way!

Haha. I actually agree, this is a only a recent trend, maybe there's still hope for me.

That's how it goes normally, in the changing room of a pool

Anyone else, instead of doing an inventory that you've properly dressed yourself, just do a count of pieces of clothing to do the confirmation?