New Pavis: City on the Edge of Forever

The long-awaited print-on-demand edition of “New Pavis: City on the Edge of Forever,” volume one of Ian Thomson’s Pavis & Big Rubble Companion Director’s Cut, is now available to order from DriveThruRPG: just $35.95 for a massive 224-page colour hardcover tome.

The PDF has been available for a while, but this is for old gippers like me who don't entirely trust PDFs and is a very welcome release.

And it's just first volume in a hugely expanded re-release of the original Companion series.

This is 'old school' stuff, all updated to the new rules system (RQG), but written in the classic style of gameplay (RQ2).

Focused around independent adventurers in search of wealth and glory, who slowly but surely become more and more connected with the Cult of Pavis and its allies, and end up being Champions of the Old City!