AnarchoNina writes the harsh truth

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AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (

When I write about the fact that mainstream American society, and in particular its media, bears a tremendous amount of responsibility for the rise of violent, overt fascism in American politics, the recent mainstream coverage of the Republican National Convention is a very good example of what I mean. I'm literally watching mainstream media outlets and Very Serious PeopleTM all over the anglosphere cover the biggest nazi rally since the production of Triumph of the Will like it's the fucking Met Gala and what we're really here for is the "ownz." Meanwhile the entire goddamn crowd full of cracker American nazis, populated by the kind of professional class pigfucking fascists who can afford to attend the Republican National Convention, are waving matching professionally designed, mass produced signs in GOP/Trump campaign colors that say "Mass Deportations Now." And somehow, this rates less coverage and commentary than the fact that Downmarket Mussolini fell asleep during his nazi failson's speech. Meanwhile these same professional media and political classes that are too squeamish to even utter the word fascism to describe the obvious fascism we're watching, are clutching their pearls and trying to tell me that some 20 year old loser reactionary taking a shot at the head American nazi means people who are correctly identifying Trump and his movement as fascist need to 'turn down the temperature" and "moderate our rhetoric." Folks, fucking newsflash okay? Not only are mass deportations part of what we legally define as genocide on their own, but millions of people aren't just going to surrender their lives and quietly disappear. "Mass Deportations Now" means "political violence" and it's accomplished by the application of real as fuck deadly force; it's only a matter of time before some clever fucking nazi points out that bullets are cheaper than boats. The GOP is fully, totally, and completely a fucking fascist party and your goddamn "sensible adult in the room" instincts to both-sides and punch left in political discourse is actively HELPING the new American Nazi Party to install a violent, genocidal, overtly-fascist political and social order as we speak. And don't gimme no shit about the Democratic Party being the instrument of our salvation because I haven't been in a fucking coma the past 10 years. I literally just watched a bunch of "Very Serious" and powerful liberals trot in front of microphones one at a time to say they were very happy American Hitler is okay and they were praying for his family, while pointing out that what we need now is civility and to seek "unity" in America, with the very same goddamn fascists waving "Mass Deportations Now" signs on my TV screen. Trump has been actively transforming the GOP from a crypto-fascist money cult into a violent, overtly fascist movement before our very eyes and I can think of literally one fucking time Biden said the words "semi-fascist" and then spent three days hiding in his basement because the fascist-aligned right wing media actively supporting a real as fuck fascist and his really fascist political party howled up a goddamn storm about how DARE you call them and their cracker fascist voters, fascists. You want to know how Nazism and the Third Reich happened in Germany? It was rather a lot like this. A bunch of "Very Serious" and "Very Important" so-called centrists pretending everything is normal, punching left, and bowing and scraping to appease literal fucking nazis because "loud noises" and "what if the fascists get angry" and "both sides." Whether it's because they're cowards, or because they agree more with the fascists than they agree with you, is more or less fucking irrelevant. The reality is that mainstream America, its media, its political class, and its business sector are either frogmarching or sleepwalking you into a fascist nightmare that *will* end in mass fucking killings because the whole damn capitalist Pig Empire order is built to appease nazis, and smash the underclasses, the traditional wellspring of antifascism, in the process. These people don't have a plan, they are not the wise ones here, and when they fucking lose to these nazis they're going to go back to their wine cellars, pour themselves a big ole drink and say "well we tried our best, the rabble are to blame" while you and yours are getting straight up fucking enslaved and murdered. The Very Serious PeopleTM are not gonna save you, in fact they're not even prepared to tell you what fucking time it is, so I strongly suggest you stop listening to them and start committing yourself to antifascist action because it might be the difference between surviving this and digging your own shallow grave while pundits cry about the death of bipartisan unity and blame you for your own demise. That is all. #Fascism #Media #USPolitics #Trump #Antifascism

It's a pity I can't crosspost in lemmy in a way that would merge the comments in the original thread.