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Thank god for whoever originally made this, I would’ve missed the joke without that circle

Maybe they're cooking with it.

Or maybe those questions are AI generated nonsense like everything else.

Yeah, don't treat the symptoms

Kind of easier said than done for many though

Unfortunately you're right, in the personal and the system levels. But it must be done, even if it's not so easy

Aren't most pepper sprays good for like 5 - 10s unless you have the huge anti bear can?

Bear spray shoots a lot of fluid up to 30 feet away. Those don't last long either. If you've used it once, it's time to replace it.

And if said person needs to use it that many times, hence the answer. It is a playful answer but not helpful. They could've stated at the end if it is indeed refillable

It isn't, there is no port to refil it. I always tell people to order two cans and test one out on a tree or something. Without having tried it, you'll never know how to use it when you need to.

Yeah, but I wouldn't assume every model is the same tho but that's just me.

You don't really want people fucking with irritants and propellants. It's the same reason your deodorant isn't refillable. The can isn't some huge cost saving measure. If you make it refillable, you can't guarantee someone did it correctly, and it'll fail when needed. Someone might not fill the propellant, some might forget the irritant, some might underfill, overfill etc. It just doesn't make sense to make these refillable. Like kissing a lion's arse - risk high, not much reward.

Aye, fair point. I never consider the fact that people should do the refill which is indeed a risky process lol.

"My neighborhood is fine; I just really like spicy food."

If you read the instructions on pepper spray, it tells you to spray it once a month. You're going to run out if you spray it once a month whether or not you're actually using it for a self-defense purposes.