Possibly the weirdest Star Trek memo.

I want to think Shatner put on Majel Barrett and Nichelle Nichols' wigs at home and talked about what a pretty lady he was while looking in the mirror.

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Hair today, gone tomorrow🛸

I want to think Shatner put on Majel Barrett and Nichelle Nichols' wigs at home and talked about what a pretty lady he was while looking in the mirror.

As far as I'm concerned, this is now canon.

My favourite thing is the fact that this isn't the first time Shatner has been stealing the Star Trek wigs


Bill Shatner totally has a wig fetish.

I don't think there's any question of that.

Seriously, did he think people wouldn't notice it kept changing?

The question is: does he have a lady wig fetish?

(Answer: Yes. Yes he definitely does.)

In case you haven't seen it yet, William Shatner Lent Me His Hairpiece is a Canadian classic.

This explains why Stewart was cast as Picard.

You would think, but look what we almost got:

Not a photoshop, just a wig. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed.

Cooler heads, or maybe the wig just got stolen...


Tell me why I bid on Shatner's old toupee, They had it on ebay