RDA’s tasteful nude

We could have had Richard Dean Anderson’s ass. I always forget that the show was originally picked up and produced by Showtime until I rewatch the first season. Which means every one of the original cast signed onto the project knowing at some point they’ll probably be asked to do a nude scene. Maybe RDA had the star power to push it off until the third season, but you know he’d end up doing like tasteful nude, fetal position, ass shot after Jack was captured and tortured by some bad guy.

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Hathor… but we don’t talk about that.

Does... Does that mean horny teenage me got cheated out of amanda tappings curves by corporate politics? Not sure I can wind that down.

We were all cheated my friend. We were all cheated.

There’s a few out there from her “other work”. Nada for Stargate though.

About as interesting nowadays as screening for a glimpse of a nip through the cable snow.

Tighty whities and a pistol in an emergency off planet....very O'Neill. Nice calves!