jokes and pranks

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That sounds HILARIOUS. Let's make it a bit or running joke or whatever and do it often ~.^

I have more ideas too!

What if we proceed to cuddle for several more hours (to be funny) :3



100% fully plutonic platonic ofc

Edit: ah shit, I suck a vocab

I prefer uranic, thanks

There's nothing I love more than Uranus.

Some jokes never get old

Lol that would be so funny(but for real)

Well I love joking so would love that (for the joke ofc not for anything else 🙃)

That sounds amazing (not a joke)

How about you stop pretending you're not head over heels and tell her you love her, and get married and grow old together?

Said no (very politely tho🙂)


Hahaha yes I love jokes.

Purely hypothetical, of course, although you have to admit it would make a pretty good joke...

I dunno, we'd both just be laughing so hard at the jokes!

I love playing jokes on my friends!

I'm pretty sure I'm dating a girl like this right now -- we both blacked out because we stayed up the entire night and have absolutely shit sleep schedules

I woke up on her pink bed like four hours later, surrounded by all the plushies and she was still there, but then she ran off to go play "tabletop online"

There's no point to this story, I just wanted to share

Also accepting any "haha funny joke" cuddles if anyone wants one on VRChat (I'm male/he/him), PM for username