Time to blow out the candles

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Yeah sure those crimes Trump did are bad but HOLY SHIT DID YOU HEAR THAT BIDEN IS 4 YEARS OLDER THAN TRUMP? That means he’s like 100 years older than Trump!!! What a scumbag!

Breaking news: old guy you elected a few years ago is a few years older. More at 9

Yeah, the other house is on fire but sure ignore the fire in yours.

It's the same house, it's just one of the people in it has a flamethrower.

Feels like both have their ears plugged and don't want to listen to reality.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?


I don’t identify as a democrat. Identifying with a political party harms democracy.

as do unabashed, self-proclaimed dictators

Oh, well I guess that, given this already known information, I'll switch my vote to the bigoted, pedophilic, twice-impeached felon that is running. /s