It'd be cool if I could search my up votes

Like the title said, but It’d be a lot cooler if I could search my saved posts too.

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I think this would have to be implemented by Lemmy first

Just wanted to say thanks for replying and that I’m loving voyager app.

Thank you! 💙

Hey, I can’t search comments or posts but I can search communities. Unsure if that’s a voyager or Lemmy issue.

I think that's a thing - but I have a workaround. Try again next release!

Works now, thank you

You’re the MVP for creating this app.

Second this. I used to regularly jump back into my upvotes on Apollo to send links / references.

That would actually be a neat little time capsule to scroll back through years later

Yes please. I just discovered today that I couldn't do it. Then proceeded to dig for an old post for 15 minutes. Please let us search by up and down vote and saved posts.