Me on my first day of lemmy

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As someone on Kbin I often find myself commenting to people looking for certain magazines only to realize after replying they are on an instance of lemmy. But they can still look at the magazines like I can look at there communities. I find all that very fascinating and new.

This is OUR meme now!

Just makes linking a magazine (on lemmy they are called communities) a pain because lemmy uses the !exclamation mark to refer to a magazine while kbin uses @ at sign in the beginning of the fediverse link. But to be honest reddit was kind of confusing to me in the beginning as well.

No, just the way the Fediverse works. :)

...and, to go on a bit of a tangent, how the internet "used to" work. You still see the remnant with E-Mails; they can go between servers. Most other services have become locked and centralized now. There was a short bit of time where MSN, AIM and YIM were practically compatible with one another due to sharing many of the same XMPP protos.

Personally I am happy to see this again, been too long ^^

Can I have your ICQ number?

Why isn't the image from a cross-over episode? Haha

I'm confused of what you are saying

I'm just dumb and hadn't seen this episode so didn't get the reference. Expected an image like this to match the joke

This one would work for the meme really well.

ohh okok

And me from my own server

Tell me more friend. I had a browse, so you've set up your own instance with only your account on. Then from there, you can essentially manage your own version of lemmy/kbin etc. with your own subscriptions and it'll federate those magazines?

I think this could be the answer for the way I intend to go forward.

What I do is setup my own instance so that I connect to my own instance and then it connects to the communites from other instances. I can make my own community and people from other instances can connect to that community.

If I were looking to learn more about this, any good reaources you could point me to?

Following this keenly

Are single user instances viable ?

If you have a server at home, I guess so...

I was thinking, cell phone with a broken screen, more than enough

wdym viable? Lemmy instances aren't a business, and afaik the server load depends on the number of users and their activity.

Viable in the sense that, can you even connect to the fediverse as a one user server or do you get insta-blacklisted. Can you post in communities, reply to comments on the fediverse.

It doesn't consume a lot of CPU or ram on idle so pretty much

You won't see edits though.

Edit: and others won't see yours. This is invisible unless you're on

@jason123santa @CapnAssHolo and me from a different platform

I still don't understand the difference between Lemmy and Kbin

Permanently Deleted

I did, but mostly I just saw that the UI was different, and it had microblogging. So Kbin, practically speaking, is just Mastodon and Lemmy mixed into the same site, but on different tabs? That's all I'm getting. It calls communities 'magazines', but seeing as lemmy communities from other instances are treated as magazines, they're basically the same? Same with the 'tweets'?

I remember talking about lemmy and I referred to Kbin as “here” in that comment. Someone replied “Where is “here”?” 😅

Crap! Just did that too :/

Someone replied to a comment of mine the other day, and when I hit that weird rainbow kaleidoscope pentagon button "show context" it took me to kbin. I had no idea wtf that even was until I read your comment. It's shit like that guys, shit like that.



I'll add my contribution to this one.

@CapnAssHolo Mastodon?