Issues with external avatars and metadata images

I've observed two issues with certain type of images on

The first issue relates to external avatars, both user and community. In the Android app Connect they are no longer loading and just show a spinner. Only the avatars of users and communities on itself are loading. It doesn't occur on web. And when using my account in Connect, all external avatars do load correctly. I think this started after the upgrade to 0.19.4.

The second issue is with metadata image, the og:image a page declares. This isn't always shown on As an example a post I made with my account on a community. - Next to the title it just shows a generic external link icon. - Same post but now via shows the image that the target webpage defined as its og:image correctly.

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Hey! Thanks for the report.

I think the first issue is not something I can help with - probably the Connect app needs to fix something on their side.

For the second issue, see my comment here:

Thanks for the reply. Regarding the avatars in Connect, I see that it tries to load , which indeed leads to a 404 error. The problem is in the additional query parameters added to the URL. Without them the image does load. It's not just a URL encode issue, as the fully URL-encoded also gives the same error. So it might just be a bug Lemmy itself.