Would you rather have the power of flight or invisibility?

For flight: you have the ability to fly, let's assume Superman-status.

For invisibility: you can become invisible at will along with your clothes, so no awkward mishaps. You can't make objects invisible though.

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Flight, but only because you included 'superman-status'. Usually these questions don't address the fact that just being able to fly is probably more trouble than it's worth if you still have the usual human frailties. You couldn't go too fast or a birdstrike would kill you, limited altitude, and landing safely could be a problem. Plus our senses just aren't designed for the extremes of flight so we'd probably be disoriented all the time. But if you're already built to handle all that then flight would be awesome.

But if I could fly I'd probably start to act more like a bird than a person anyway. I'd sleep in trees and towers and get food by swooping down and snatching from outdoor dining places and stuff.

Oh yeah, I wanted to ask a more interesting question. Not a fan of those tricky conditions as much where it's like, you fly but can only breathe in a certain part of the atmosphere, etc lol.

i do with flying any day of the week. Having flown around in dreams, especially in lucid dreams, flying is like the most amazing thing possible. zooming thru the atmosphere, seeing everything from high up, feeling the G forces. My dream is to become a paramotor pilot one day. just need like 10k or something lol

Oh wow, I had to look up what a paramotor was, that's awesome.

I think I've only lucid dreamt once by accident, and flying was cool... until I fell and woke up lol

if you ever get into a lucid dream again, rub your hands together to stabilize the dream and not wake up prematurely! it reenforces your mind with the sensations (kinetic, temperature, sense of self) and prevents the dream from fading away, like it usually does when you become all excited once you realize youre dreaming!

Oh yes, I definitely have read about techniques. It just seems that if I get anywhere near lucid, I start getting way too excited and it fades quickly. I'll definitely have to give it another shot!

Definitely invisibility. If I had the power of flight, I'd probably have everyone asking me to do favors for them all the time.

Hahaha, but you could always fly away :)

Flight, that would be handy in so many ways. But bird and insect strikes would suck.

Can we fly with weight (eg carrying equipment) or just ourselves and normal clothing load?

Hmm, let's say what you'd normally be able to carry

Oh, flight then. My response and transport times for patients would be unmatched.

Invisibility would be fun. All those times I've wished to be a fly on the wall...

But I think I'd choose flight. To soar like a bird and look down on my problems? Sounds like fun! And what a way to beat the traffic on the commute!

Invisibility, because with flight, you may get shot down by the air force XD. Jokes aside, probably still invisibility because you could escape so many awkward situations and get away with pretty much anything. With flight, you would be spotted and maybe outcast from society etc.