Yes officer, I'd like to report a crime in progress

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How likely is that thing gonna catch fire when the meat render out the fat 🤔

A grease fire in an electric toaster? Nothing a bowl of water couldn't cure. /s

(/s because it would explode and could electrocute you at the same time)

It's best to submerge it completely. A bathtub is the easiest option for most people.

WTF is the point of making a joke, putting an idiot-"s" then a disclaimer?

If someone takes you seriously that's a Darwin award waiting to happen and the human race will improve slightly

I used to hate the /s but we live in a global world where there may be young people and non native english speakers reading these comments. What is an obvious sarcastic joke to you and I might get lost in translation and on a case like this where actual fatal consequences could follow the joke being misunderstood there's no harm in the community self policing a little to help keep everyone safe and in the loop.

As an ex-young person and a non native english speaker, definitely agree. Back when I was younger and on Reddit I have missed satire on many different jokes cause the intentions of commenters would be hard to deduce.

Thankfully I wasn’t stupid enough to do something like put out an electric fire with water, but there has most definitely been a case of someone killing themselves because they couldn’t tell whether a comment was a joke or not.

Christ what a boring world

It's much more fun when no one understands it's a joke. /s btw

At the risk of getting obliterated with down votes like you are, I enjoyed your perspective and agree with you at the surface level.


Why would it catch fire in a toaster but not under a grill where there's an actual flame?

You'd never get that toaster clean again, but I'm not sure it would catch fire.

FYI, the fat dripping from steak does actually cause flare ups and sometimes even sustained flames in grills. This isn't dangerous in a grill because it's designed to cook with fire at high temps. But it can ruin your steak if you aren't paying attention.

Would a toaster get hot enough to render fat?

Luckily the picture shows a bad idea in progress but has not followed through and in my head canon they took the meat out and put it into a frying pan.

Thank you for spelling "head canon" correctly. I'm tired of all these comments putting pictures of people with cannons for heads in my brain.

Other than the fire hazard, I don't see the problem.

The meat being suspended gives it an even dry heat. Cooking both sides simultaneously should result in an even cook equivalent to constant rotation.

It’s unlikely that a toaster would be able to produce even remotely enough eat to make this worth your while.

You underestimate the power of my toaster. Just like I do every morning when I burn my toast.

Yeah. Like you said earlier the fire hazard would be the main problem. All that fat melting to the bottom where bread crumbs have been gathering for years. Eventually something will catch fire and burn.

There's a little knob, or slider on your toaster where you can adjust the toast level. Use it!

God damn it. Now Amazon thinks I'm in Germany.

Instructions unclear, dick got golden brown grilled in under 5 minutes.

Did you use thin sausage or thick sausage setting?

Thick, but it was a mistake of the ego.

When you said "hot meat", I expected a very different scenario. :(

You expected chilis?

I meant something sans clothes.

I have never seen clothed chilis.

The only thing spicy I expected was a naked dude with some "hot meat". [wink wink]

The judge said I am not allowed in Chili's when nude.

Well, there is always TGI Fridays or Applebees.

Banned from TGI after an unfortunate incident with my tamed German and Applebee's lawyers didn't appreciate my discrimination lawsuit after I was kicked out and arrested for bringing in my emotional support emus for a 10 top.

Waffle House knows how to run a restaurant, I recommend them highly.

Not sure if complete genius or complete idiot.

Yeah, this seems like it might actually be brilliant, until the grease catches on fire underneath the steak. I think we need to invent this thing, with a grease capturing mechanism. I'll see if George Foreman is interested in making another $383 million dollars to promote this thing. Nice!

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