What's the worst musical moment you've had?

I'll start:

I was new to my area, having moved from New England to the Midwest. Met a very good guitar player who was influential in the local blues society. He asked me to play a song with him at the hurricane Katrina benefit they threw, and I said yes.

(At the time, I thought I was rather nifty. Played a 7 string, because. I planned on doing such a good job that I'd get flooded with gigs. Heh.)

The song he picked was Little Wing. I'd played it, but not often, but reckoned I'd do okay. I did not. I played that damned song in at least three wrong keys, and never once found the correct key, to my utter humiliation and guitar player's bemusement. Even my new sweetheart asked "WTF happened?". We went home and I licked my wounds, thinking I'd never get a gig again.

Well, after about a week (iirc), he called me to do a gig. I asked after his sanity, to which he responded "everyone can have a Miles (Davis) moment". 🥲 Needless to say I never messed up Little Wing again, and I learned a few things.