There was very little wind in the 80s/90s as a result

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The fucking noise those pants made every step you took was an absolute sensory nightmare.

That was cool back then. Remember corduroy?

Vipvip vipvip vipvip

Oh Jesus, that and velvet. Fuck velvet! Whoever decided they should sell shirts made of that goes to itchy hell.

Velvet sport coats are pretty slick. I have one.

I had successfully blocked it from my memory until just now.

My wife fucking loves wearing whooshy pants like those. No idea why, she just does.

It frightens the cats.

In retrospect, it's no wonder my favorite colors were purple and teal as a kid. All my swishiest outfits had those colors.

I miss my Mighty Ducks Starter jacket

Break like the wind

Wind breakers is just another way of saying "people who fart"

That term is now forever ruined for me 😅


Ok, fine, there is one place I'll give Russia credit on.

I fucking miss windbreakers.

They still sell them. You can get everything from a $10 Walmart jobbie, all the way up to an $800 Arctryx meant for climbing K2.

all the way up to an $800 Arctryx meant for climbing K2.

Oh no now you've gotten to the area of sports coats. There are people who know way too much about sports coats and have way too much of an opinion about which one's good and which one isn't.

I bought one. A few years ago. I wore it like twice, because it gets super hot in there.

We didn't just fight it, we broke it! They're not called windfighters.

yeah if you wanted to actually fight something on that kind of scale, as opposed to breaking it, you had to wait about 10 years for Foo to show up

hammer time

My, my, my... Music is. So hard!

I swear the woman on the right in pink is my aunt. I'm sure I have a picture of her looking exactly like that.

Is your aunt Keri Russell?

We used to call them shell suits and as a bonus they were highly flammable

Re-wind? Who fights the wind?

It is RIDICULOUS what kind of air these guys were getting. Dude come get the ruler check this out.

Yeah, they are not coming back.