god entered my body

1993 dodge grand caravan minivan sale offer online for $2500. the photo shows the car with red text all over it: "god entered my body, as a body my same size"

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I used to live on the south side of Indy. This guy really exists, and is completely insane. It’s all over the van, including the rear windows.

Edit: you can actually see the reflection of BP lights in the window. This photo was taken at the gas station on the corner of 16th and Tibbs.

Yeah I was just about to say that that looks like untreated mental illness on wheels

Assuming that you also recognized the street and “untreated mental illness on wheels” is how you refer to Indianapolis

Stop bullying him. I was just a dumb, kinda bad joke.

uh, what?

Ok, I haven't looked into it, but apparently I'm at least partially wrong.

I still have absolutely no idea what on earth you're talking about, and I'm frankly not too sure that you do either

Ignoring the crazy writing, a vehicle that's 30 years old should be like $1000.

But with the crazy writing, gonna need them to knock off $1000.

You're missing a 0 there. Stripping and repainting ain't free.

It should be free lol.

When you open the door it says:


MY SA _______ME SIZE"

Which makes roughly the same amount of sense.

i fucking need that im in indiana

alternatively convenient and annoying, i love hate it when that happens