(I made) Thai green curry with chicken, fried rice with egg, and a cup of tea

(I made) Thai green curry with chicken, fried rice with egg, and a cup of tea

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@applebottom how'd you make the curry? This is something I really want to figure out at home!!

@rodhlann It's not too difficult actually. This is my favourite recipe to use when I have the time to make it from scratch: https://www.eatingthaifood.com/thai-green-curry-recipe/

However, if you're short of time, using premade green curry paste (sold in packets in the supermarket) is perfectly fine.

The key to making really amazing Thai food though is to get all the ingredients right. Don't try to substitute things. It just won't taste the same. Get real kaffir lime, proper full-fat coconut milk, fresh lemongrass, actual Thai eggplant.

@applebottom That's a good tip! I'll have to see if there's a grocery near me that stocks those items. I know the supermarket by us doesn't, but there are some smaller ones that might!

That looks amazing! I love thai green curry.

@influence1123 My favourite is actually Thai massaman curry. It's just so, so good! But it's such a pain to prepare!

Just looked it up. So its like a mix between indian and thai curry? Ill definitely have to try that one day.