Antifa International - Kirkcaldy reportback!

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Antifa International - Kirkcaldy reportback!

Kirkcaldy reportback! On Saturday the 18th of May 2024 a group of antifascist members of the community disrupted an event organised by Women Won’t Wheesht in Kirkcaldy. These people were workers, locals and members of the public. They were transgender, cisgender, gay and straight. They were unaffiliated with any organisation, group or political party. Their actions were their own and were organised on their own initiative. They acted to protect their community from an intolerant group who aim to plant a seed of cruelty, a seed of hate that would grow and overshadow everything around it, which would poison the earth and kill off wildflower and bramble and thistle alike. “A community is made up of many different types of people,” one member of the group said, “and what makes a community strong is celebrating the diversity of its members and standing in solidarity with those who need it most. Trans people are one of the most marginalised groups of people in society, and yet groups like Women Won’t Wheesht seek to sow division in our local communities by painting trans people as a danger. Trans people are part of the fabric of our communities and groups like Women Won’t Wheesht have no place in inclusive and safe communities. We all need to stand up against hate speech and protect our neighbours and friends.” Women Won’t Wheesht is a hate group which peddles anti-transgender bigotry. Their events, veiled under vague ‘concerns about women’ have historically been attended by anti-abortion anti-feminist groups such as the Scottish Family Party, homophobes such as the Destiny Church, and members of the fascist Scottish Defence League. Their members also attended rallies organised by the neo-nazi Kelly Jay Keen. Women Won’t Wheesht’s rhetoric calls for the elimination of drag queens, transgender and nonbinary people from public life. It is the same rhetoric which was used to murder members of the gay community during the AIDS epidemic. It advocates both social murder (murder by inaction from the state) and violence against transgender people. To achieve this, they bully and harass transgender people in society and online. They publicly share people’s addresses and names. They accuse all transgender people of being sexual predators, thereby toxifying and dehumanising them so they are seen as less-than-human. They lobby politicians to spread their hate and appear legitimate. The anti-transgender reactionary movement in the UK has been called explicitly genocidal by the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention. We, as proud members of our community, denounce all genocides and any who participate in them. We stand for a world where everyone has the right to speak their mind, where everyone has the right to be who they are. We stand for a world where gay, straight, brown, white, man, woman, and everything in between can live and love together. We cannot stand by and allow Women Won’t Wheesht platform to spread hate and cruelty. We are fighting for a kinder, more caring world. If the members of Women Won’t Wheesht reach out to their local queer community, if they choose to talk, and listen, and learn, if they come with humility and gentleness, they will be greeted and welcomed with kindness and respect. We understand that many of those who come to join these movements have done so under a deception. They have been told that their alienation is not due to the United Kingdom’s misogynist society and the social murder and violence of neoliberal capitalism, but due to transgender people existing. Many of us have been caught and deceived by such lies too. We have learned, and we have grown. But if Women Won’t Wheesht continue their campaign of violence, they will meet resistance. Their platform will be taken away, because it is by the grace of the people of Scotland that they have it in the first place, and the people of Scotland will not allow genocide of any kind. At the action on Saturday, members of the public were overwhelmingly in support of transgender liberation. One organiser said “People of all ages stopped to speak to the outreach team and expressed disgust at the transphobia from the Women Won’t Wheesht incomers.” Over one hundred trans flags were distributed to supportive people of Kirkaldy. SOLIDARITY. LOVE AND KINDNESS. ANTI-FASCISTS OF SCOTLAND.

Antifa International - Kirkcaldy reportback!