Am I dumb or do albums not work right yet? I can’t seem to figure out how to pan from one picture to the next and so I can only see the two pictures that have thumbnails in the feed.

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I might have this finished up today with the rest of the image viewer stuff I need to fix. It’s quite a bit easier to handle now that it’s not some third party library handling everything, although still difficult to get right. Stay tuned.

Looking forward to it

Awesome thanks for the response! I saw the other posts about the improvements but didn’t see anyone talking about albums so I started to think it was just me.

How are you handling bug reports? Is there a GitHub page or something?

Yea, we use the GitHub for issues.

Doesn’t work for me either. Same behavior as you. Quite difficult to implement well I believe

The devs are working on a major rewrite of image handling. Support for albums is on the list, but there are several other issues that have arisen during the rewrite that are taking priority.

Also… am I being an eejit or do the pics not rotate to landscape? Am I missing a setting somewhere?