Newsboat - filter youtube shorts?

Is there any universal or newsboat specific way to do this? The RSS feed itself doesn't even hint at it being a short, so probably not.

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Okay, so I did end up finding a solution (immediately after posting). If you go through Piped, they added an option to filter for "shorts" or "videos".

For example, this is the link for Steve Mould without the shorts. Just slap &filter=videos at the end:

Not sure if I want to use Piped yet, although I guess the less you interact with actual "youtube", the better.

This is not an aswer to your original question, but if you want to interact with youtube servers less, try OpenRSS. They have youtube feeds that are better than youtube feeds, at least they don't track you.

I don't know if they have a filter to show only videos (as in, not shorts), but it's possible that they do, their feeds are pretty good IMHO.