Sample gut flora of people with "auto-brewery syndrome", culture the samples, and sell them in pill form to DUI lawyers for their clients.

This is a shitty idea because anyone driving under the influence deserves to be tried and punished for their actions. But if this could be done, you'd have no trouble selling each pill for $1000.

Or, sell the pills for way less to those that want to get drunk off bread or pasta. Either way it's a totally plausible, feasible, potentially lucrative shitty idea.

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Could probably isolate the yeast and brew vomit flavored beer too!

I think an ear wax IPA might be preferable, but that's just my preference.

There's really no way this could go wrong

Yeah, nobody is going to buy a bunch and spike the food in a major cafeteria and give literally hundreds of unsuspecting people drunkness-on-demand.

Better idea is to genetically engineer them to make it ACTUALLY happen. Buy a pill bottle and get plastered off of Hawaiian bread for a month.

The pills WOULD make it actually happen. It's a gut flora imbalance that does it.

Auto brewery syndrome is actually a thing