XMPP and whatsapp bridge

Hello everyone! I currently selfhost a matrix server but, seeing everyone talking about xmpp, I decided to try again with that one. I did try about 8-9 years ago but couldn't make it work (don't remember the issue, probably pebkac).

My requirements are:

  • e2ee (I see OMEMO is the solution for this);
  • audio/video calls (looks like all the main clients/servers supports this with SIP or similar);
  • whatsapp bridge: this is very important as I currently use my matrix with element to chat (not calls) with all the whatsapp contacts.

Would be nice if the server runs with docker images (but I see Prosody has the option so not an issue).

So basically I am a bit stumped only on the whatsapp bridge thing. I see some github repos for that but they all seem quite old.

Any help, pointers, suggestions would be appreciated.
