AI meme version 2.0... because reasons

Apparently my other meme with nearly a 1,000 upvotes was reported and removed by mods for a rule violation. But just to clarify, the people in that photo were ACTORS posing for stock photography. No elderly people were actually being force fed while a photographer snapped shots and uploaded them to Adobe. Anyway, enjoy the happy baby! (Disclaimer: This baby may or may not be aware that it is being photographed while eating. This is not my baby, that is not my hand, and I did not take this photo.)

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The meme doesn't really work this way but... I'm bitter so whatever.

Maybe you should ask ChatGPT for advice?

Nice try AI. I'm on to you!


I think the happy face makes it funnier, even if the situation is annoying

baby aint annoyed enough

It just doesn't know the joys of solid food.

Honestly, it's probably more accurate now. Most people I've seen eat that shit up like it's AGI.

It's easy to get grumpy at mods, but lord knows I'm not gonna mod this cesspit, so... Idk... Sucks to be you.

Well they did a fine enough job pissing off artist and artist aligned consumers. Now it's just all the goofs from crypto happily peddling it like there's no tomorrow.

Sounds like a meme with mods looking like Karen's putting pants (jeans?) on a David statue or something is in order here. This is ridiculous behavior, unless perhaps the mods are AI....?