Rauthy OIDC provider v0.22.0 · Now with Upstream Auth Providers (login with GitHub et.al.)

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Release v0.22.0 · sebadob/rauthy


Breaking There is one breaking change, which could not have been avoided. Because of a complete rewrite of the logic how custom client logos (uploaded via Admin UI -> Clients -> Client Config -> Br...

Release v0.22.0 · sebadob/rauthy

I’m personally very excited about this because Rauthy provides a robust foundation of OIDC-based identity for the fedi-connected platform we’re building with Weird netizens.

The addition of “social logins” such as GitHub means indie platforms like Weird can let people easily sign in with the mainstream identity provider they’ve already got, but once they’ve signed up they’ll have the option of using our open source identity provider for other services going forward, thus reducing their dependency on the Big Corp.