Is there any way to know if a mission is going to be one of the ones that restricts you to 3 stratagems before accepting it.

Because those missions can fuck off back the way they came they're the worst.

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When you're in your destroyer looking at the missions on a planet, right bottom corner there is "effects". It's available befor choosing a mission and it's planet wide.

Isn't the effect called Atmospheric Distortion or something? I forget exactly, but I don't disagree with OP's sentiment. The only reason I'll choose a mission like that is to contribute to the 40-50pt Orders.

I think so. At least they are telling us this time what it means^^

You mean, of course, to say that "this month, that's the brand".

I'll take that over complex stratagems all day.

Nah, just huck 'em early. 🤘🏽

Also AA DEFENSES reduce the slots count.