We sadly depleted our strategic teal reserves by the year 2000

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My high school opened in 1993. Our colors? Teal and Black, baby.

70s: Orange and brown

80s: Neon and pastels

90s: Teal

2000s: ??

Admiral, Sir, you are showing your age. We're already almost a quarter century in.


90s: Teal

2000s: Off White

10s: Material Color Palette

20s: Pink

Material Color Palette

I don't even understand what this means lol

Cement, wood, aluminum.

Trade fun colors for things you’d see in one of those minimalist houses.

So grey and white?

Basically. Kind of what car dealerships look like. They have 4 shades of silver or gray and maybe a red and blue.

Does that blue come in teal?

Lol, i mean, I chose to stop at 2000s for brevity.

But you're not wrong, lol. It's still 2020 in my mind because time just kind of stopped there for me.

I'm exactly in the same place. I still think there must be something wrong, when someone applies for a job where i work at and they say, they were born 2006. .

Pink? I've kinda had my head in the sand for a while, but is there really that much pink around nowadays?

I saw an interesting argument, I can't remember where, saying that bland white/beige has become so popular for interior decorating because we are inundated constantly with colourful advertising everywhere in our lives now. So, to be able to retreat to a home without vivid colours blasting you in the face everywhere you look is a relief.

I think that's a fascinating idea, but we continue to seek colour in our screens and such so I'm not sure if we truly want relief. I mean, I don't. I get mad excited when I enter a room with actual colour in it.

My family are contractors that typically service wealthy clientele. The brains behind the painting and decor side of things told me that people prefer white/beige because it maintains it's value. From what we can observe with this post, teal took 10 years to financially bomb. White is still going strong and can be mixed into a very wide colour palette with furniture and decor, etc..

I seem to remember neon pink and green were both still kind of a big deal for most of the 90s lol

And clear! Totally forgot about that one.

Oh yeah! Big time! I knew so many people who had this phone lol

Well a lot of us went emo or goth, so black?

But then the skaters just went baggy, lots of girls went baby pink and hello kitty.

Every group had their own shape of jeans, we wore shirts on top of shirts.

A lot of it was just the cheapest stuff that could be made in the colours no one hated and it's not gone away since.

But it feels like every shirt had a logo or picture on so I'd say "graphics" was the colour of the 2000s.

PC case gray (grey?)

I was thinking eggshell white because everything was an iPod for a while.

Yep. Nailed it, lol

If you were poor and didn't live anywhere near a major city ... it was more like:

1980s: were like 70s: Orange and brown

1990s: were like 80s: Neon and pastels AND 90s: Teal

2000s: all the fads, colours, designs and pop culture started to get mashed into one giant kaleidoscope monoculture

kaleidoscope monoculture

2010's+ this was rebranded as "rainbow"

Don’t forget it was the default windows 3.1 background color

And every other Windows OS right up to XP.

We still love our teal in San Jose

Hell yeah!

You and Anaheim aren’t so different

We used a lot of it on Teal'c

My 90s were neon green, yellow, pink, and purple. Teal is more of a meme/vaporwave thing.

The Windows 95 desktop default color!

We sadly spent it all at all the 90's Taco Bells

I had this car, mom got it new and then gave it to me around 2001. I loved that car. It’s a little more green than this picture shows but super bright. 1993 Cougar XR-7

The fact the Charlotte hornets aren't the main team in the sports square is unforgivable

Smh. People be disrespecting Grandmama. That's not cool.

I was talking about this with a coworker on monday, I hate basketball but I'm about to give in buy a hornets hat just because the logo is so fucking sick. If black dudes can wear baseball hats and not give a fuck about the team so can I but for basketball.

I had that beeper!

I wasn't sure why it was my favorite color until this post made me see clearly where I come from

Man I remember loving the Anaheim ducks, even though I lived on the opposite of the world from any ice rinks or hockey culture, I guess I just liked the logo and I think I had a mega drive game with them or something.

Also my yak bak