YouTuber Holo #2: What Would Holo Say?

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【狼と香辛料】YouTuber ホロ #2 「写真で一言」でまさかの珍回答⁉

あの賢狼ホロがYouTuberデビュー⁉🍎第2回は「写真でひとこと」に挑戦🐺視聴者から届いたおたよりにも答えます!【視聴者プレゼントキャンペーン】ご参加いただいた方々から抽選で5名様に、動画内で告知した「配信者ホロのシール」をプレゼントいたします。参加方法、こちらです。① X公式アカウント(spicy_wol...

We are all Masters (ぬしっ子) now. That's going to be our fannames if you follow this Wise Wolf YouTuber.

I find it adorable Holo struggles to say all these modern terms that Koshimizu Ami would normally not even bat an eyelid at. Watching Holo become fluent in whatever it is we speak in this century is also canonical character development (probably).

There is a form for sending in commentary in regards to the show, and also a captioning corner where you can suggest what Holo would say in the designated photos.

Happy travels my fellow Masters.