Mt St Helens on my most recent hike

It was a perfect day out. The morning was super cloudy but it all went away on the 2 hour drive to the trailhead. I took this with my Lumix G9 and my Leica 12mm - 60mm lens.

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What a gorgeous shot. Do you live out there or did something make you want to travel to the area?

I live in the area and love to hike the hills around here.

Helens is beautiful but I think Mt Adams is my favorite. There's just something about that mountain that calls to me. Mt Hood is pretty cool too but it's a bit too busy for me.

I really dig the absolute isolation of the area between Mt Rainier, Mt St Helens, and Mt Adams.

I'll be sure to post some pictures from My Adams soon... When I can get to my favorite trails. There's still a bit too much snow around a few of them.

Last year at this point I built a snowman on one trail and went home before I got too lost out there.

Instantly remembering Robert Landsburg and his final photo shots of the erupting Mt St Helens in 1980.