Asking for belly rubs

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Not her, she absolutely loves belly rubs!

My tortie Charlotte loves belly rubs too! When I'm lying on the couch, she'll often climb onto my chest and then plop down on her side to signal that her belly needs rubbing 😄🥰

I love torties, the ones I had were super cuddly !

Charlotte is my first tortie but she definitely has that in common with the ones you've had 🥰

It definitely is a trap.

Once you start, you can’t stop. That’s the trap.

A few scratches are nothing. Just let the cat take your hand, and it'll be fine.

Rub the belly!

Trust me, I did !

This picture is so high quality lol i can count the hairs on that cats belly

Venus Cattrap

It’s a trap!!

Excuse me, but that's clearly a tummy. Or, as I say to my kitty, Tum Tum.

We call her bidou, that's French for tummy

I withdraw my objection. You're doing it right. I'll give my kitties a scratch for you.