Going to visit the world wide web today!

Where I work, there's a computer museum. I was going through some boxes and found this. The real jem here is the 16bit version.

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The information superhighway. What a wild time.

Man I miss the meteor storm icon. Can we bring this stuff back please?

4 floppy disks: 1.44 MB x 4 = 5.76 MB for 2 versions of a web browser
This image: 12.7 MB

This post neatly replicated the one-line-at-time loading of a pic from back then, though!

omg the image is that big?! LOL I thought it was compressed it better because it changed it to a png for the site. I will keep that in mind next time

Why are those SD cards so big?

Kidding...I'm 40.

Daddy, why are there four save icons?

Is a jem a gem wearing jeans?

This is truly outrageous. Truly, truly, truly outrageous.

For anyone brave enough to actually try it


They are likely not readable anymore.

True but you would be surprised how often they are if they were kept in a stable environment. We have had lots of luck with older disks

I went through some of my old stuff a year ago and found a bundle of 20 1.44 floppies wrapped in aluminum foil in a plastic case. It was a friend of mine who did music production and the disks are labelled as MIDI files. I keep forgetting that I should mail these things to him as he hasn't looked at them in about 30 years. I had the idea of mailing them using his own name and pretending it was his past self sending him stuff.

I've also had surprising success extracting data from old floppy disks. I went through a box of 50 or so 3.5" disks a year or two ago, some of which were 25+ years old, and about 80% of them were either readable directly, or fully/mostly recoverable using GNU ddrescue. Something like a Greaseweazle would likely read even more. Always worth a try!

I still remember installing Win95 via diskettes.

I did 1-800 support for Windows 95 and 98. The 98 had floppy installs but you had to special order it. The Windows 95 floppys were notorious for one bad disk. I sent so many single floppies out, it was embarrassing.