What are some mistakes that you have made and learned from?

I just brewed my first batch and I am so excited for this to be my new hobby. I'd love to hear some first hand knowledge anyone has built up.

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I barged in here just based on the title, all ready to open up about my failures in life. Then I read the post text about brewing a batch and got very confused, and only then realized which community this is.

Haha i would be in the same position

I've been busy with other hobbies.... I wonder how moldy by 1 months brew is right now.

Underestimated the effect of elevated outside and thus room temperature and got very close to making vinegar.

Failed to burp my growlers and my 1 gallon exploded during second fermentation. Fortunately, I keep them in a plastic tub in the basement, so the mess was contained.