I need an alarm app that lets me scan QR codes. I find that it helps me get out of bed and take my meds in a timely manner. I have QRalarm but it's a onetime use alarm and I can't schedule times for certain days which I find to be really important. I normally use alarmy but it requires the Google Play store and I'd prefer to not have that yk.

Anyone know a foss option?

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Not with qr but nfc tags. Since these are cheap you could give it a try


This would probably work great most of the time. One worry I had when exploring NFC tags was if the tag gets lost, or you are out of home and forget to skip the alarm

With barcodes/QR you can generate one on the spot if you know what the original one was. Some people just have a thing for the word "barcode"


I guess you could always uninstall the app or force shut down the phone

Is that a QR code that says “barcode”?

It is, for legacy reasons

(I quickly threw it together)

I’m just making sure I decoded it correctly. :)

Ah makes sense :)

I find that it's similar to security questions, where I might not remember what exactly to input when I need to regenerate it. "qrcode" vs. "QR-code" etc.

A better solution to my problem might be to add the code as text, underneath the image when printing it out

QRAlarm lol, its also on Izzyondroid which I highly recommend to add to F-Droid Basic.

I use F-Droid Basic with many repos and disabled updates and background checks just for searching, then copy the source link and in many cases it had a prebuilt APK and I use that through Obtainium

I see you didn't read the post

Sleep As Android

As far as I can tell this is not foss?

Nope it's not, but that would have been my recommendation as well

Always trust an otter. Except sea otters.

I agree... no wait a minute

It's not foss. But it's great. I've been using it every night since 2012. It also has qr codes to do what you wanted

If you've got a computer as an alarm clock if you just want something to get up.

It's specifically the QR and barcode reading thing that I need because it forced me to get out of bed, walk to my bathroom, and scan the bar code on my medication bottle. QRalarm would be fine for this except that I cannot schedule the alarms to ring and instead have to set them nightly which I wont remember to do

Have you tried using Tasker to schedule QRalarm for you?

What is tasker?


it's an android app that lets you automate almost anything on your phone/android system. downsides are it's a pay app, not foss, and fairly complicated to set up at first. upsides are it is almost unlimited with what you can automate. looks like there is a free trial. might be a lemmy-instance for it, (there's a reddit sub) disclaimer; i haven't used it for a while now on older android releases.

QRAlarm seems to be what you are looking for. It's available on GitHub and the IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repo. Nevermind.

Someone didn't read the post...