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Please use the dedicated anime instance to talk about anime.

You can find it on and find an instance under hobbies or art

For context, linking to that instance is against rules, thus the round about directions.

I don't get it, so this community is just for news?

This community used to be much more active, but there was a large exodus of the most active users after some far-reaching admin interventions (like this one) that saw a mod get removed from this community and the episode discussion bot unable to post here any longer. A lot of the activity has moved to a different instance/community. The reason people aren't linking it directly is because admins have previously removed any comments/posts that link to it (including over two months of the pinned weekly discussion threads). It shows up on lemmy community browsers like lemmy-explorer though.

Is it the one that's defederated from That's probably why I didn't know about it.

Yes. You would need to make an account on another instance.

I was thinking of switching instances anyway

What a horrible way to find out I'm a pedo

Neat. I guess I'll take me and my degenerate thoughts to the instance that shall not be named then :P

I'm not sure what's even left for me on is already my home instance with nearly everything I would ever want. Only thing I don't really want to leave behind is /c/honkaistarrail but it's mildly dead anyways...

People file reports, but since mods of this comm are AWOL, we admins—who don’t know anime/manga from a hole in the ground—have to respond to them. We don’t have the time or inclination to research the veracity of lilo/pedo/CSAM/whatever claims.