I met this beautiful defender in Costa Rica this year. He kept us safe!

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That’s well-composed bit of photography, with the light slashing across the gate, the reflection on the tile, and the cat looking out.

Thanks for the compliment! Once in awhile we get lucky! My photography instructor told me years ago that you can tell the quality of a photographer by the size of their waste basket 🤓.

... and the cat being right in the focal point of the lines separating the lit and shaded areas. Very pleasing to look at.

It's just a flat-out nice gate and patio, too.

Costa Rica is a beautiful and wonderful place. People are so warm and amazing to be around. Where did you meet this noble beast?

He was the hotel's pest control. He just begged for food or killed bugs. He was a very sweet boy!

I want your gate/door. A perfect fit for the feel, and yes, your photography did it justice.

It was at our hotel, but thank you!

If reincarnation is real, I want to be reincarnated as a beloved house cat in a warm climate

“I am Gato, the guardian of this domicile. I will lay down my life for these people!

Because they feed me.

If you feed me I shall lay down my life for you too!”

@Speculater@lemmy.world Are you able to upload the photo to the post again?

Oh! I don't know what happened. I'll post again. Should I do a repost or try to modify this one?

I think it wiped a bunch of photos when there was the lemmy.world server issue last week.

If you go in to edit this post and upload the photo again and save, it should restore it.
