Red Hat uderza w GPL / Open Source

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A Comprehensive Analysis of the GPL Issues With the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Business Model

This article was originally published primarily as a response to IBM's Red Hat's change to no longer publish complete, corresponding source (CCS) for RHEL and the prior discontinuation of CentOS Linux (which are related events, as described below). We hope that this will serve as a comprehensive document that discusses the history of Red Hat's RHEL business model, the related source code provisioning, and the GPL compliance issues with RHEL.

A Comprehensive Analysis of the GPL Issues With the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Business Model

Red Hat (teraz IBM) znany z przejmowania i ubijania projektów open source, chyba poczuł się na tyle bezkarnie aby odważyć się zamknąć kod źródłowy RHEL oraz zastrzec że nie może być dystrybuowany co jest pogwałceniem licencji GPL Linuksa.