if aliens come to America we will have to explain why we killed them in so many movies

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They’re a bit like face huggers, aren’t they?

Face… huggers?

Oh, you know. Like Alien. The horror movie Alien.

There’s a horror movie called Alien? That’s really offensive. No wonder everyone keeps invading you.

− Doctor Who

Just tell them "killing is how we humans deal with fear, and new things and ideas cause humans a lot of fear. Act accordingly".

Maybe they're already here and haven't made contact for this very reason.

No we won't. They'll be dead.

Our new overlords will understand, as they eradicate us like pests.

Jon Stewart already covered this topic in is America (The Audiobook) book.

Listed many movies we killed them in while talking to an alien and summed it up by saying we killed you guy a lot.

Look, guys. The aliens in those movies were very mean.

Would it be more or less awkward if the aliens also had movies where they killed beings that looked just like humans?