Tell me your Best Software Haiku

My friends and I did this a while ago and it was quite fun.

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It's not DNS.
There's no way it's DNS.
It was DNS

btw, if you put double spaces at the end of a line, it makes a new line without a new paragraph:

It's not DNS
There's no way it's DNS
It was DNS

Neat, thanks.

npm install
peer dependency not found
npm install

You win

One little asterisk 
Could fix the problem I think
[Segmentation fault]

how discouraging
should have used an asterisk
not a comic book

OP clearly knows what they're talking about! /s

git pull origin
git diff predev@{'yesterday'}
git rebase predev

Going by words not symbols is ok I hope?

The best haiku!

If you read the - as "dash":

docker compose up
docker system prune -a
docker compose up