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must've been horrible for them. imagine being forced to be British 🤮🤮🤮🤮

Can confirm it's pretty shit

As an American, I'll trade places with you any fucking time.

I'll even buy you a starter set of truck nuts to sweeten the deal.

They got their own problems my dude, it isn’t all silver lined clouds and cuppa’s over there.

Over here at least we get the Sun

I've spent time there. At least they read. At least they value knowledge to some extent. At least their museums and galleries get meaningful local visitation.

I'll take no sun over the extent of our prideful willful ignorance. They have ignorant hicks too, hi brexiteers, but I'd bet on the sheer, proud, nonsensical stupidity of our median citizen up against theirs any day.

Nobody out duhhhhhs the United States. Nobody. Ask a random American who the current Vice President is. More random Brits could accurately tell you about our current power structure than Americans could about their own.

Also, and I know I'm in the minority here, but their food fucking rocks.

I lived in the Windsor area in England, GA and VA in the USA and outside Toronto, Canada. Every place was the same with different accents. Same people.

Imagine Bri*ish 🤢🤮


But at least the only shooting they had to endure was of the movie kind.


One joke

Thats actually since been made illegal, cant believe we let child cruelty slide for that long!

Progress might be slow, but it happens!

They had a loicense


It's in the name of making an excellent movie, so that makes it ok.

Legit child abuse right there.

Child actors go through so much 😔

Knew the child actor industry was bad, but this is a new level

More like, "forced to throw up in England", amirite lads?

Harry didn't want to buy all the sweets on the train, but he was forced to so he would eat them all and puke.

It's part of the package

You're a pikey, Harry!

Forcing is not good.
