Post images always square and stretched

As the title says, the post images are always square and because of that non-aspect-ratio-respecting scaling a lot of images are stretched.

Is there any option to disable this non-sense?

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Settings -> Post Customization -> [Full Width]

That takes up much more screen real estate, but some people like it.

That's not a solution for me.

Wait. I thought you were taking about thumbnails for some reason. Sorry.

It's for images that you open?

No, you were right from the start. I was talking about the thumbnails. Sorry for the confusion.

It's just not a solution for me because, as you already mentioned, it takes up too much screen space in that mode. I'd rather keep the reverse list mode.

I just dug a little into the Flutter API and saw what might be going on. Scaling is done properly on a regular browser, but there might be a built-in function for it somewhere. It may take a few more steps with Flutter.

(Just rambling a bit for those who care about details and theory crafting.)

Calling BoxFit in Flutter is significantly less expensive for thumbnails, I would speculate. It appears that it would take a few operations to scale an image properly and could impact slower devices.

An option to enable or disable image scaling would be nice. It's just annoying that its probably not a one line code change. (Unless it is. That would be great.)