Page contents being updated from incorrect post?

Sometimes I'll open many tabs in the background when scrolling and not view them right away, and later when I go to look at them the contents of many of the tabs will have been replaced by a particular unrelated post, usually the same post.

In this instance the post that should be displayed here titled "What value did you get from Reddit that you hope to realize or expand upon here?"

Of course being displayed instead is "Are there any advanced searching guides or searching in general ?"

This time I had four pages open that this happened too:

The post that ended up replacing all of them was this one:

One thing they all have in common they all seem to originate from so I assume that probably has some bearing.

Has anyone else seen this? I'm running a fairly customized version of LibreWolf (a firefox fork) version 110.0 so it could be something I've caused but I though I'd ask in case it's an actual bug.