Screenshots of the WefWef feed in posts are super confusing when you are just scrolling

Came across a post while scrolling my home feed that had a screen shot of the WefWef view of a community’s posts as the image. Both my feed and the screenshot were dark theme, meaning it was nearly impossible to distinguish until I scrolled all the way to the bottom - obviously the poster had a longer phone than I do as the image took up the entirety of the screen and it just looked like WefWef was no longer displaying the community for each post. Super confusing.

I’ve added a screenshot of my own as the image for this post as an example.

I’ll go off now and find the post I’m referring to and include it with my edit.

Edit update: I can’t find the original post I’m referring to but my image does a good enough job showing the issue.

Not sure what to suggest as a fix or feature request - maybe just reduce the size of images slightly so they are little bit less than the full width of the display? All suggestions are welcome.

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Funny enough your post is in itself an example of it

For real, I got so confused and had to scroll up again.

Yeah I was struggling to find the post that got me so figured I’d illustrate

skill issue

Haha this got me more than it deserved to

It was the same way on Apollo honestly

On my phone the separator lines are so dark it just blends in with the black background, making it generally hard to differentiate different threads for me.

Could we maybe get something like a thin outline around all images or something like that?